
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Apples, Apples and it's all about Apples


Why this unusual heading you would say?
Well, I'm using the concept in piano lessons I've designed for children with autism, which is also suitable for pre-primary up to grade 3.

The Apple is the first element of seven in the teaching aid.

They look absolutely delicious to eat. Just imagine having a bite on that smooth mouth watering apple right now! You could indulge yourself in this necessity of subtenancy and possibly devour another apple as your body is graving for it. But this Apple have so many beneficial properties that you can't imagine that it also has technological connotations as in computers.

The creation of everything on this planet is mind-boggling; From Nature to Technology.
Imagine unlocking the secrets in the creation of the scrumptious Apple. How it first started? 
It's difficult to comprehend but not that difficult when it is designed by engineers and programmers to become a communication device for all mankind.

Communication devices differ tremendously; each with its own unique features. Wouldn't be convenient to share all of those amongst each other like we share this planet. It would make a better place instead of bickering who has the best up-to-date and more advanced micro-chips oozing with very fast processors that can do things for you in a nano of a second.

An application software can make it possible to share all the unique features, especially if you possess a device that is associated with the picture of the fruit at the beginning of this post.

Unlocking the potentiality of amazing apps & features available to all, regardless of which platform you are on, must be 'manna' from a remote place in the sky.

The most amazing application out there is none other than the Apple Unlocker, that will make everything possible for those who owns an  

The new blog post called " "  is up and running like a swarm of bees to get to that attractive scent of a flower (:>
(you actually don't have to remember this post ~ the mouse will take care of it) (:>

It is just a blog on the actual product; a place where people can go to, to read more about it and to see what the merchant has to offer regarding the software.
This blog explains to you how to utilize the software; how to make everything possible when it comes to restrictions.This enables you to download apps of your choice which android and windows based devices have been using for some time now.

There are many people out there that are oblivious what's on the marketplace and also challenged by the technology out there. This post had them in mind as well.

Another example: you like to see my own personal website or blog and you darn don't remember what it's called, you just type my name on the internet and voila you'll be led into the right directions plus other choices.

It is as easy as that! No sweat

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