
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Tian Jiang at my performance

Today 31st March 2013, at Casa Labia I was honoured by the presence of Tian Jiang, international concert pianist, who came to listen to my performance. He is here in this country on a concert tour.
It was only after my performance that Tania Mill, Events & Café Manager, introduced me to Tian.
I was totally unaware that he, his wife, his manager and entourage booked to come for Easter Sunday dinner at the Casa Labia.
After completion of dinner Tian come to join me and we spoke about my and his musical career.
The conversation led to our respective academic careers and the general feeling of support of the arts in South Africa. The education system of the South African schools regarding music was discussed. The mention of the music curriculum being phased out from schools to prioritise Maths and Science was disconcerting. I did mention to him that I've presented a lecture to a group of educators some time ago, the importance and relationship between these sciences. To most of them the explanations of Pythagoras’ music ratios have fallen on deaf ears. Because of lack of funding, I told Tian that only the elite and private schools would be able to accommodate music as a Matric subject.
His entourage wanted him to perform but he refused in respect of my own professional completed performance. A half hour after my performance I approached him to play something anyway. Reluctantly he went to the piano and gave a stunning performance of one of his own compositions called ‘Shanghai Dream’. It reminded me of the theme song from the movie ‘Shanghai Grand’ which I sometimes play to my own Chinese friends here in Cape Town. I then asked him if I could purchase a copy of his composition as I like to study it and add it to my own concert repertoire. Business cards were exchanged and soon I'll have a copy of this spectacular music which by the way, has won many awards and were commissioned for a documentary film.

Read more about Tian: 
Watch Tian’s performance of Shanghai Dream on YouTube:

I presented Tian a complimentary CD of mine to take back to New York where he resides.
An invitation was presented when I'm in New York to visit him.
I do recommend that you read his biography. Most fascinating insight since his youth and where he is today:
Born in Shanghai during the early days of China’s Cultural Revolution, Tian’s first memories resound not of Bach and Mozart, but of the boots of the Red Guard as they stomped through his home in search of cultural contraband – books and music – any vestige of western arts. Tian had to learn his art in secret.
Conversing with him was inspirational. He has a fantastic nature without airs and graces. Our respect for each other was mutual.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Wedding Day of Victoria and James

A most unique wedding ceremony and reception took place at Casa Labia, yesterday the 23 March 2013.
It was the wedding of Victoria and James.
I've been approached months ago by Victoria to perform the piano for them at the wedding.
Only 36 guests were invited and it was exceptional from the logistics point of view. The lounge adjacent to the ballroom was converted into a small and intimate chapel where the ceremony took place. The service was conducted by James's uncle from New Zealand.
Tania Mill, Events & Café Manager organised the rose pebbles on the floor in the aisle leading to the make- shift alter. The wedding couple took their vows standing in the center shaped like a heart which Tania also created with rose pebbles.
The unique and somewhat modern choice of music requested for the bride walking down the aisle made me scuttle and search my music archives at home a few days prior to the event. Could not at first, find it and then went onto the www to look for this music. My inner little voice told me that I'm wasting valuable time on the internet and that I should just call the Grimaldi's from Monaco for the sheet music.
I think they would have smiled but I'm 100% sure that they do have a copy of this music as memorabilia. I eventually found the music tucked away in between single sheets. It smelled liked mothballs and that probably saved it from being consumed by those little pests called silvery fish moths.
The suspense is probable killing the readers of this post.
The music requested was none other than "True Love" from High Society. Guess who were the stars? (They were all so young!)
(Attached image is the front cover of the sheet music). Also have a look at the price that time when I bought it. Amazing! To buy that music now is $5.25

I'm also including snapshots from my android device of how the setup for the wedding, was created in the make-shift chapel and the ballroom.
Casa Labia staff and culinary chef really made this wedding ceremony and reception for Victoria and James memorable.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

My new CD cover

I spent virtually the whole day experimenting with different design concepts and decided to make the piano string background one more funky and posted it onto Facebook. Spent some time deep etching in Photoshop and filtering the piano strings. It has caused quite a stir with people making comments and liking it. I prefer an eye-catching modern look. I've decided to use this design and taking it to the printers tomorrow to see the HD printout. I have two examples to print out. I also like to thank David Calthorpe for taking the time a few days ago, photographing me at Casa Labia.